Friday, January 30, 2009

I'll show your president the same respect you showed mine...

Wow.  That did not take long.  2x Bush voters are bitter.  I saw a fine gentleman make a graceful egress from what looked like a 1987 Oldsmobile 88.  His t-shirt espoused his political philosophy which could be summed up as "I know you are, but what am I?" It read "I'll show your president the same respect you showed mine."  Now, even though it is fairly common knowledge that W. stole the election in '00 didn't we give him a pass on that?  Or at least a grace period? Did impeachment ever really break the surface of the political sea? (No, it did not, it was just an undercurrent) Didn't we cut him some slack from about 9-11-01 till about 10-11-03?  At least give Obama an opportunity to get an ass-divot in his chair in the Oval Office. (Assuming he has time to sit down, given the fact that he is trying to put out a massive shit-fire)
I know the Rush Limbaughs of the world are going to crack at him, because that is their job.  I can't fault them. Bread and butter. Thats how they make the money to buy their hydrocodone and shop for doctors in Florida.  Fair enough.  However, to spend your hard earned ducats on a t-shirt that shows that you already don't like the new guy is unadulterated bitterness.
Most of us can agree that things are not exactly going too well, and that we can use some leadership.  The hopes for our new president are pretty high. He inherited some serious problems from the previous administration.  Former President George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a lot of humorous material. 
Instead of cruise-control he has to accomplish some big things IMMEDIATELY! There is no break in period. This is where rubber meets the road, and your T-shirt is not appreciated.

Welcome to the jungle.

Welcome to my brand new blog. I have thought about writing a blog for a while, but never got around to it.  In this blog, I will rant about current events, interchanges that might have transpired in my life, public confrontations, etc.  
The cool thing is, I will probably be able to say whatever the hell I want, because no one will read it.

Now that is out of the way, I am fixin' to rant!