Saturday, November 5, 2011
Its been a year.
It has been a busy year for the ClownStain. I have a 6 month old baby, and a different job.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sad Day
Well, here it is. The day we have all been looking forward too. The day the obstructionists got congress back. One small step for mankind, one giant leap backwards for any progress we have made since 2008.
I think we were too nice to the conservitards. We pandered to too many of their childlike whims, and look where it got us. Thugs that stomp 23 year old women in the streets of Kentucky, and armed mobs calling themselves "Freedom Fighters" and "Patriots".
IN all honesty though, these clowns will have 2 years, and a lot of them will get thrown the fuck out of office, because, they are just stupid, arrogant fucks with the support of people who do not read books. They have aligned themselves so thoroughly with the corporatist interests, and they fleece the rubes into thinking they are "outsiders" and "mavericks" when in reality they are just angrier corporate jesus-freak jerkoffs than the greedy, drunk old corporate jerkoffs.
The wave that they are riding into the shore is one of fear, racism, and blind obedience. It is the wave of churches with parking lots to rival those of NFL stadiums. It is the wave of people so indoctrinated in Faux Noos that they actually believe the president of these "United" States is a secret Muslim. It is a wave of voters who cast their ballots against their economic self interest.
I just hope they are not too blind to see how their congress people will be screwing them in 2 years.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Don't Tase Me Bro!!

Welcome to another episode of Seattle Police: Excessive Force.
Thats right, our boys in blue decided to be liberal with one thing. The taser.
Imagine being a gentleman of ample proportions, and getting involved in a donnybrook with two other young lads, (substantially more fleet of foot!) and having some uninterested party call the police. The other two pugilists flee the scene, and you are left on your lonesome. Do the police come to your aid? Do they ask if you are all right? Ha, surely you jest! They attempt to take you by force, and when you decline to be cuffed and stuffed, they tase the bejeezus out of you. This is prior to any sort of identification. You could be the Reverend Al Sharpton for all they know.
After a brisk afternoon tasing, they keep you cuffed in an uncomfortable position and then do their paperwork. They arrest you and haul you off.
This was for a fistfight, one where you got attacked by two other guys. Yeah, shitty day, thanks to the Seattle Police Department.
Friday, September 10, 2010
its about time

Its about time the old 'Stain got back in the saddle and started publishing more libelous screed via the interwebs. The truth of the matter is that my blog epitomizes the core of amateur blogging all over America: Never has less been said to fewer people. The kicker is, after this 5 month hiatus, will I ever be able to get my readership back up to where it was? Hell, if you are reading this, we will be 25% there.
That being said, I started a new job in June, at an internet retailer, (seriously. I am not even joking about this.) and things are going OK. I definitely do not not want to f*** this up by running my mouth and jinxing the whole operation. Wish me luck.
So, I am back, and I will be doing a better job keeping my act together and rebuilding the trust of those who look at Clownstain.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Enough Already!

For the sweet love of the Baby Jesus, I wish Sarah Palin would shut her neck hole and fade into obscurity. It isn't enough that she botched McCain's presidential bid, and quit as governor of Alaska, but she is criticizing the duly elected president of the United States, and inciting violence and sedition. Sarah Palin criticizing Barack Obama on nuclear policy issues is like me, your Clownstain criticizing NASA on how they are launching space shuttles. Sure, we can do it, but in all honesty, we do not have the fundamental grasp of the nuances or the raw brain power to make it feasible under any sort of illumination.
Aside from lambasting someone with more brains in their left asscheek than in her head, Sarah Palin is a terrible role model for young women. Her rise to stardom in the ranks of the Tea Klan shows young women that, even if you are ignorant and a quitter, people will still hand you things if you are pretty and popular. This is a sad fact in today's society.
Another lesson we can learn from Sarah Palin is fairly simple. Leadership requires brains, ambition, diligence and judgement. Palin has ambition and a pretty face. Great for a "public persona" or "celebrity" or even as a marionette for big business; but terrible as a person ordained to show others the way. Fundamentally, she is George W. Bush with a 36C. Now that she is out from under the adult supervision of the Straight Talk Express, she is free to run her yap and stir the pot. Sooner or later, she is going to incite some reactionary Tim McVeigh wannabe to do something rash. She has nothing to fear though. She will just deny responsibility and walk away. Just like she did with the State of Alaska.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A small victory/taking the edge off the loss.
In the Land of The Free and the Home of the Brave, we have some gangsters controlling some really important things. One of them is health care. The insurance giants and pill producers have a stranglehold on Americans, and the grip does not seem to be loosening. They are the massive army, and it is a lopsided fight due to their ownership of DC and State Government. The only way to fight a battle like that is with the insurgency. The lessons we learn from the Jihadis can influence the way we interact with the insurance companies.
On my way to the pharmacy, I was listening to NPR, and Washington State's Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler was featured on one of the local news shows. This was interesting in the fact that Mr. Kreidler stated that, in the state of Washington, insurance complaints are handled very aggressively. In addition to handling complaints, the Washington State Insurance Commission's agents can help with questions regarding policies, and help the consumer get the most from their product.
Another lesson I learned was regarding the composition of medicine and patents. I spoke with my brother, who knows a thing or two regarding patent law, and drug companies can patent certain drugs that are concentrated in certain amounts based on "novelty" which means basically, that although something has been around for a while, if you cook it a certain way, you can patent it.
This is relevant for one main reason. The brand name drug costs a pile of cash, and if the drug is a common drug it can be COMPOUNDED to a similar strength. Thats right. Your 1% lotions and potions can be compounded at 1.01% and purchased for less than a third of the cost. Chances are your doctor will play ball when you ask for it. You have to go to a compounding pharmacy, but that is just a trip to the google machine to find one. So, if you get an exorbitant prescription, check on it. It might be available at a lower price.
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