Welcome to another episode of Seattle Police: Excessive Force.
Thats right, our boys in blue decided to be liberal with one thing. The taser.
Imagine being a gentleman of ample proportions, and getting involved in a donnybrook with two other young lads, (substantially more fleet of foot!) and having some uninterested party call the police. The other two pugilists flee the scene, and you are left on your lonesome. Do the police come to your aid? Do they ask if you are all right? Ha, surely you jest! They attempt to take you by force, and when you decline to be cuffed and stuffed, they tase the bejeezus out of you. This is prior to any sort of identification. You could be the Reverend Al Sharpton for all they know.
After a brisk afternoon tasing, they keep you cuffed in an uncomfortable position and then do their paperwork. They arrest you and haul you off.
This was for a fistfight, one where you got attacked by two other guys. Yeah, shitty day, thanks to the Seattle Police Department.
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