Congratulations GOP. You have been hovering around the bottom for a couple of years, and now you have finally found it. Your heart and soul is embodied by a man so vile that Pat Robertson thought he should shut his noise hole. Rush Limbaugh was the obtuse herald of the Neocon Revolution that flew in the face of one of the greatest periods of prosperity America ever had.
Now he is being an obstructionist to the rebuilding of America.
Last time I checked, Rush Limbaugh was the guy that abused opiate based painkillers and went deaf, requiring cochlear implants that he wears to this day.
He has been married 3 times, and was caught attempting to smuggle Viagra out of the Dominican Republic where he went for sex tourism.
Although he is regarded as one of the greatest radio talk show hosts of all time, my question to the right wingers is this: Do you think you should trust a guy who flunked out of college after his freshman year and could not pass a ballroom dancing class? He did get a letter from former president Ronald Readan when Clinton vanquished incumbent Poppy Bush. Reagan congratulated him for all he had done for the conservative cause. Reagan was also hip deep in Alzheimers and HW lost. Great job Rush.
The kicker is that there are a lot of people who take this tool very seriously. These allegedly "moral" conservatives take policy advice from tarnished soul criminals like Limbaugh and Karl Rove. I don't know, apparently, anger, petty greed, hatred and hypocrisy really strike a chord with folks.
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