Although the Dow Jones Industrial Average is not exactly a terrific indicator of the overall strength of the economy, it is a generally accepted good thing when it goes up. Today that fat bastard went up a whole 3.91 points. 100 miles an hour with our hair on fire. Anywho, it is better than nothing. I would rather hear about the DJIA than that silly woman with the litter of babies.
I am not going to go out and say the stim-pack is responsible for this, but the possibility of a brighter future might be a factor. Even though there is a huge gap between Wall Street and Main Street, America likes to see a healthy measure of trading volume, and this might be what it takes for some of the rich who actually have liquid assets to start moving them around, thereby generating wealth. That would be nice to see.
What would be nicer to see is a slowdown or stop to the rising unemployment rate, and more Americans going back to work. That is a tough deal, because unemployment rates follow the back end of the stock market, people who are involved in that kind of stuff like to make their money before they put anyone back to work.
Or I could be totally full of it, and things will start their trek downward again tomorrow.
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