Friday, May 29, 2009

been a while

Well, the recession is finally over, I am gainfully employed, and less able to devote copious amounts of time to entertaining all of my loyal readers. Anyhow, I have the weekend off, so I will try to brew up something special.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Swine Flu

As most of us predicted, the swine flu was a flash in the pan. More people die from regular ass flu than swine flu. It just happened to have a scary name and occur during Obama's 100 day mark, thus provoking a joke. It was also a convenient excuse to trash on Mexico, and promote paranoia about our southern neighbor.  (I mean with pandemics, drug wars, and other shenanigans, who can resist?) The real issue at hand is how our media latches on to some silly shit and spreads it around like wildfire, and Internet conspiracy theorists link it to "Obama trying to bring an Africa style pandemic to the US".  Wonderful. Idiots everywhere. 260 people in America have it, and one kid died. It was tragic that a toddler died from this, but 1 death in 260 from a pandemic is a pretty decent record.  Anyway, continue washing your hands and sneezing into your elbow, and the next big crisis will be along shortly.