Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sad Day

Well, here it is. The day we have all been looking forward too. The day the obstructionists got congress back. One small step for mankind, one giant leap backwards for any progress we have made since 2008.
I think we were too nice to the conservitards. We pandered to too many of their childlike whims, and look where it got us. Thugs that stomp 23 year old women in the streets of Kentucky, and armed mobs calling themselves "Freedom Fighters" and "Patriots".
IN all honesty though, these clowns will have 2 years, and a lot of them will get thrown the fuck out of office, because, they are just stupid, arrogant fucks with the support of people who do not read books. They have aligned themselves so thoroughly with the corporatist interests, and they fleece the rubes into thinking they are "outsiders" and "mavericks" when in reality they are just angrier corporate jesus-freak jerkoffs than the greedy, drunk old corporate jerkoffs.
The wave that they are riding into the shore is one of fear, racism, and blind obedience. It is the wave of churches with parking lots to rival those of NFL stadiums. It is the wave of people so indoctrinated in Faux Noos that they actually believe the president of these "United" States is a secret Muslim. It is a wave of voters who cast their ballots against their economic self interest.

I just hope they are not too blind to see how their congress people will be screwing them in 2 years.