Although the NY Post is a rag, it is a widely circulated rag.
In the United States, differing views and public discourse are a part of our political system. Disagreeing is fine. Making monkey references about an African American is just plain inappropriate. It goes through some really antebellum references that were part of the rhetoric of a disgraceful chapter in American History.
Now some may argue that W was referenced as a monkey and "Uncurious George", but speaking as a thoroughly white individual, I know that it is just different. It is the difference between the "N" Word and being called a cracker. Or a honky. Sure being called a cracker or a honky by a black person is not nice, but calling black people the "N" Word strikes a whole different chord. The rules are simply different for this sort of thing.
One of the problems though is the way the media has handled it. They immediately went to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for commentary on this, knowing that Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton would love to comment on the situation, and would definitley provide some decent material. Now, all kidding aside, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have done a lot of good work, and they are real leaders, but folks have quit taking them seriously (The NY Post has done a pretty good job of besmirching their collective character!) As soon as Jackson and Sharpton arrive on the scene, a lot of people tune it out; mostly due to Sharpton and Jackson's reputation as racial agitators.
Although I do not neccessarily agree with everything Sharpton and Jackson have to say, they are right. This is an inappropriate reference that hits a lot of hot buttons. It is not something one would expect in a major newspaper, more like a newsletter circulated by the Klan.
The kicker is that the "management" of this paper are not issuing an apology of any sort. They are defending their cartoon. If they had half a brain, they would apologize for inadvertent racism and try to move on. Instead, they are pretending that they did not do a damn thing wrong.
I almost believe the defense of inadvertent racism, because the fact is that they seem like a pretty thoughtless bunch. Even if they were not being bigoted jerks, they really showed their unforgiveable lack of class.
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