Good Evening to all and welcome to the 4th Circle of Hell. A new day has dawned on us. The day of once bitten twice shy scrutiny. President Obama has a graphic representation of qualitative data. The St. Petersburg times has unveiled the Obameter.(http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/) It is a graphjam.com esque way of tracking promises that President Obama made during the campaign season.
This is both a blessing and a curse. First, I think all politicians ought to be held accountable. Especially after the previous administration. There is the blessing. Now comes the curse. This shit comes out of Florida. Not exactly a bastion of progressive thought. Or even thought for that matter. This is the state that W; with the help of his rotten brother and their ilk, bogarted enough electoral votes to change the course of American History. Things were going pretty good until the Rove Gang invaded the Sunshine State with an army of lawyers and briefcases full of unmarked bills.
Now, the Clownstain Jury is still out on the St. Pete Times. On the con side, they are in Florida, the state where 83% of America's bizarre headlines come from. On the pro side, this outfit has been in a pretty hearty fight with the Church of Scientology. Can't fault that. You have to show a little respect to an organization that has the balls to get into it with the letigous trolls that control the minds of Bat Shit Nuts Tom Cruise and Skidmark Greta Van Susteren.
I apologize for digressing. Back to the point. As if I had a real point. The point of this whole diatribe/rant is that politicians ought to be accountable, but that we also should critically eye the organization that watches them. Critical interpretation of data is the foundation of new information. In the age of twisted facts and unadulterated happy horse shit, we cannot take all input to our systems at face value. (You better watch your ass Sean Hannity, you Hibernian dingleberry!) Just because it is printed or interwebbed does not mean that it is true. Just ask me. I write opinion pieces on the internet. On a blog. I don't even know if anyone reads this bullshit. I write nasty little pieces of pseudo internet journalism. I have zero credibility, but I have a forum for libelous screed. Hell, I need to wrap this thing up. I was talking about political credibility, and I ended up talking shit about two Fox News personalities and Tom Cruise. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.
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