This shit is bananas. This is King County. We don't just fix potholes here. That money could be better spent on gender reassignment for prisoners or creating a machine that disappears parking spots on Capitol Hill. Basic public services are not exactly the core competencies for the region between 150th Street and Renton, and West of a brackish body of water.
In any event, this was a pretty bold action. Someone might have been jumping the gun on the alleged stimulus package.
Those rascals at the Shoreline Department of Public Works are really straying from the Beirut Paradigm of street maintenance that is followed on the West Side of the Lake. Now, the Ayatollah of The Emerald City wants to make Seattle the Greenest City on the Planet. One of the things standing in his way is the operation of full-size SUVs and trucks. On numerous occasions, I have heard individuals publicly state that they would pilot a smaller car, but they fear for their safety due to road conditions in the area. That includes both sinkholes and snowfall. (Snowpaclypse 08 sold a shitload of Grand Cherokees!) Honestly, this seems like an excuse to roll around in big rides (I have used it when people criticize my '86 Bronco) but why not try to improve the roads. Historically local government is the go-to guy for improving roads but in the city of Seattle, if you want a pothole filled, get your ass over to Home Depot and buy some cement and gravel.
On the flip side though, big Clownstain Props to Mark Relph and his good folks at the City of Shoreline Department of Public Works. Keep up the good work.
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