Friday, February 20, 2009

Chris Brown is a jackass.

Recently R&B "artist" Chris Brown was involved in an altercation with his girlfriend Rihanna over some car keys. The initial report sounded like a fairly standard urban music scuffle, the kind we are not unnaccustomed to hearing about. Little did we know that it was not just an altercation, but a fairly severe beating to a beautiful and talented young woman.  There are pictures to prove it.  Ike Turner would have been proud, but I doubt young Mr. Brown's mother would be. 
Now, this was pretty run of the mill until the photos from the LAPD leaked and the American public saw the severity of Mr. Brown's handiwork on Ms. Fenty. 
Now, we do not know all the details of the incident, but, Mr. Brown is already guilty in the court of public opinion, and this will probably not help his bubble-gum reputation, nor will his bubble gum pop reputation help if he tries to spin this like he is "gangsta".
Now, what we are really dealing with is an assymmetrical relationship. Rihanna is well marketed, talented, and something kind of new, whereas Chris Brown is something we have seen and heard for years. Nothing original there. I have a strong feeling Rihanna's career will last longer than Mr. Brown's. In 8 years he will be a fairly short interview on Behind The Music.

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