Michael Phelps, is there any more room under the bus? What a screwjob. Here we have a superstar athlete doing some bong rips. In my estimation it is probably not uncommon among professional athletes. The real issue here is an invasion of Mr. Phelps' privacy, and a savage bussing from someone on location.
Now, Mr. Phelps is not without sin, he pleaded guilty to a DUI when he was 19 and got the standard treatment.
There are two possible ways this went down. Either Mr. Phelps pissed someone off and they sold him down the river, or someone resented the fact that he is an Olympic athlete and has piles of money.
The pissing off theory has legs, because as we all know, many people who transcend the level of mere mortal are unforgivable douche nozzles.
The resentment theory has legs too, because us mere mortals really have a tendency to resent people who are a lot better than us.
In any event, it is a pretty low rent stunt to sell pictures of someone doing something illegal (but not altogether uncommon) to the media. (What would have been a better option is blackmail. I mean, the pics were probably a one time lump sum, but blackmail has a life expectancy of about 3.5 years. Mike Phelps would have probably paid your tuition and he could have written that off on his taxes, and that would have been a win-win situation (2012 Olympics, HIGH AS A KITE!))
Now, the real kicker on this whole strange mess is the fact that so many people care. People are throwing a fit about role model stuff and that whole song and dance. Kids are already inundated with the fact that many of these titans are, in fact, scumbags. You have guys like Pacman Jones and Rae Carruth committing serious crimes on a regular basis, and guys like Plaxico Burress damn near shooting his own pecker off. In addition to criminal activity, you have John Rocker, who is just a regular asshole, and Mark McGwire, who used steroids and lied about it. So, maybe kids ought to pick a different genre of human beings to use as role models.
Cut Phelps some slack, he is 23 years old and smoked weed. Mind your own damn business. I honestly do not think Michael Phelps would give two hot shits if 99% of America got caught smoking weed. And this whole thing would not have been an issue if some self serving little buddy fucker had not sold the pictures to the media.
Michael Phelps, listen up. This is important. You learned your lesson about fraternizing with the peons. You can do all the drugs and illegal shit you want. Just do it with other professional athletes and celebrities who have something to lose. They will not dime you out, because they were doing it with you!
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