Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Thank you Jeebus! After several dry days of soft targets and other nonsense, I finally got something juicy. Bristol Palin has opened her mouth to ol' Skidmark Van Susteren and let everyone know that abstinence is "not realistic".  Its about time one of these nincompoops said something.  I bet her bat-shit crazy mother is a little miffed about the whole interview and the fact that it refutes a key part of her conservative christian worldview. 
Now, all kidding aside, what Bristol Palin might or might not have been forced to do needs some recognition, having a child is something scary and difficult, even with all the support and infrastructure she has. In addition, the media coverage is not something that an expecting teen mother needs.  On one hand I feel sorry for her having to deal with all the horse shit that has come her way, and on the other, she has a lot of advantages that most teen mothers could not dream of.
What took real courage was stepping away from her mother's abstinence only party line. She showed some actual moral courage that came from a hard lesson. This could possibly be a step in the right direction to preventing unwanted teen pregnancy. It is not just an after school special, it is a piece of reality when someone that young breaks from their crazy mom's paradigm and goes on the record with that information.
One potentially troubling piece of information is that this kid has absolutely no shot at a normal life. He was born to teen parents and there will definitely be some drama from the grandparents. On one side is the Palin Clan, who have a reputation for being insane, then there is his grandma Johnston, who allegedly sells Oxycontin to undercover cops in parking lots. In any event, the child will get plenty of support and attention from a lot of really crazy people, and who knows, the Palins may just help out the in laws and pull some strings for Mama Johnston, (she already got a real lawyer!) 
In summary, kudos to Bristol for speaking some truth about the silliness of abstinence only. It did not work out too well for you.

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